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2024-07-12 13:50| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. Pets Are the Most Devoted Creatures宠物是最忠实的生物

Nowadays I meet more and more people totally disappointed in human friendship and love. Old and wise people often joke that if you want to find a real friend and be sure that they’ll never betray, then start keeping a pet. I know that many of true words spoken in jest.现如今我遇到越来越多对人类之间的友谊及爱情彻底失望的人。年纪大的聪明人总喜欢开玩笑说如果你想要找一个真正的朋友还要确保他们不会背叛你的话,那你就养个宠物吧。我知道很多玩笑话都是真理。

If to compare cats and dogs, I think that dogs are especially devoted to their owners. Cats are devoted as well, but sometimes they can use tricks in order to get what they want. Both of them will never blindside you or criticize your actions, because they just love you for who you’re.如果要拿狗和猫相比的话,我认为狗对它们的主人尤其忠心。猫也很忠心,但是很有时候它们为了达到自己的目的会耍一些小把戏。这两种动物都不会偷袭你或者批评你的行为,因为它们就是爱你本身的样子。

2. They Teach Me to Become Better它们教我变得更好

Pets are very sensitive and wise creatures. It seems to me that they know the truth of life. Unlike people, animals don’t create problems out of nothing. They are free of negative thoughts and inner pain. Their pure hearts are made for loving their owners. People should learn to love, care and smile selflessly, like their pets usually do.宠物是非常敏感和很有智慧的生物。在我看来,他们似乎了解生活的真相。不像人类那样,动物们不会无中生有许多的问题。它们没有消极的想法跟内心的痛苦。它们单纯的心灵只为爱它们的主人。人们应该学会去爱护,关心别人,给别人一个无私的笑容,就像他们的宠物经常做的那样。

3. Pets Can Heal the Wounds of My Soul and Body.宠物可以治愈我的灵魂跟身体上的创伤

It may seem strange, but pets have the power to heal both physical and mental human disorders. Thousands of real stories prove their healing ability. I think that pets don’t only follow their instincts, but they can both feel and think.这看起来很奇怪,但是宠物拥有治愈人类身体和心灵的创伤的能力。成千上万的真实故事证明了它们的治愈能力。我认为宠物不仅仅是跟随自己的本能,同时它们也能感受和思考。

Every time I come home in a bad mood, Johnson greets me with joy. Without a doubt, it’s a wonderful feeling to know that somebody is waiting for you. When I lay down on the sofa, he gets on my body and starts massaging my stomach with his paws and purring loudly. This is the best healing therapy in the world. Furthermore, I can share my life troubles with Johnson. He always listens to me carefully, as if understands what I’m talking about. Sometimes he may tell: “Meow, meow”, as if trying to give me an advice or calm me down. I don’t hesitate to talk with pets, because I find them interesting interlocutors. It’s scientifically proved that many pets, especially cats can feel the emotions of their owners and soothe physical and mental pain.每次我带着不好的情绪回到家的时候,强森总是喜滋滋地迎接我。毫无疑问,知道还有人在等你的那种感觉太棒了。当我躺在沙发上的时候,它会爬到我身上开始用它的爪子按摩我的胃,还会高兴地发出猫的那种咕噜声。这是世界上最棒的治愈疗法。此外,我可以跟强森分享我生活中的困难。它总是会仔细地听我说,就好像它能明白我说的是什么似的。有时候它会叫:“喵~,喵~,”就好像是在试着给我建议或者让我平静下来。我很愿意跟宠物聊天,因为我发现它们是很有趣的对话者。科学上证明了许多宠物,尤其是猫可以感受到主人的情绪,并且会安慰他们身体或心灵上的创伤。

4. They Make Me More Organized它们让我变得有条理

I must confess that several years ago I was a bit unorganized person. I found it difficult to manage my time and live according to the schedule. When Johnson appeared in my life, I became more organized, because I felt myself responsible for his life. All kinds of pets require a lot of attention and care. That’s why their owners should be more active in order to bring up a wonderful and healthy pet.我必须承认几年前我是一个很大条的人。我发现管理时间,按照时间表生活是件很难的事情。当强森出现在我生活中以后,我变得越来越有条理,因为我觉得自己要为它的生命负责。每一种宠物都需要许多的关注跟照料。那就是它们的主人为了喂养一个很棒又很健康的宠物都应该更积极的原因。

5. Pets Can Save Me and Apprehend Dange宠物能意识到危险并且救我

The research proves that pets can apprehend danger. Their premonition of bad things may help people save their lives and avoid risks. Pets begin to behave strange when they feel danger, trying to give their owners a sign or a hint that something terrible is going to happen. They can feel death, earthquakes and other catastrophes in advance. That’s why owners should be more attentive to notice the signs given by their pets. They should count on their pets, because animals think about the safety of their owners more than about themselves.研究表明,宠物能够感知危险。它们对不好的事物的预感能够救人以及帮人们避险。宠物的行为开始古怪的时候就说明它们感觉到危险了,它们正试着给自己主人信号或者线索暗示有不好的事情即将发生。它们能够提前感知死亡、地震和一些其他的大灾难。那就是为什么饲养者应该更多地留意他们宠物所给的一些信号。他们应该相信宠物,因为动物把它主人的安危看得比自己更重要。

Thanks God, I’ve never been in extremely dangerous situations, but I’m absolutely sure that my favorite cat Johnson will save me, if necessary, because he’s like a brother for me. I always try to notice and analyze strange behaviors of my pet.感谢上帝,我从来没有陷入如此危险的境地,但是如果有必要的话,我敢肯定我最爱的猫强森会救我的,因为它对我来说就像我的兄弟一样。我总是试着去注意和分析我的宠物的一些奇怪行为。

In conclusion, I want to say that pets are my four legged brothers. They make my life more colorful and interesting. I cannot imagine myself and my world without them. My lovely cat Johnson helps me deal with stress and brings me to life every time I lose my heart. His love and devotion give me power and inspiration to go through hard time with a smile on my face.总之,我想说宠物是我的四条腿兄弟。它们让我的生活更加多彩、有趣。我不能想象自己的世界里没有它们会是什么样子。我可爱的强森帮我解决很多压力,在我每次失去信心的时候,还能让我振作起来。它的爱跟忠诚给了我力量和鼓舞,让我去用笑脸去度过那些艰难的时刻。




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